
The strikes rippling across the US seem big, but the number walking off the job remains historically low

COMMENTARY | More workers are advocating for better pay and improved working conditions, but research shows employees are not leaving their jobs as often as the frequency of protests suggests.

Homelessness, Homicides and Hospitality: One City’s Ongoing Reputation Problem

Portland, Oregon, once a popular travel destination for business travelers, foodies and nature lovers, is struggling to regain its tourism footing after months of social justice protests and record crime rates.

As Heat Waves Intensify, Tens of Thousands of US Classrooms Will Be Too Hot for Students To Learn In

America’s public schools, which are over 40 years old on average, are not equipped to handle rising temperatures due to climate change, a new study reveals.

The States With the Most Armed Protests

New research seeks to document instances across the U.S. where people demonstrated with firearms. A sizable share of the gatherings took place at government sites.

A Plan to Excuse Students From School for Protests and Demonstrations

A proposal in Delaware would allow students one excused absence each school year to attend a “civic engagement activity.” If passed, it would be the nation’s first statewide guarantee, its sponsor said.

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LAPD Investigates Claims that Employees Circulated Valentine Mocking George Floyd

The card featured a photo of Floyd under the words, "you take my breath away." The investigation, announced Saturday, is ongoing, officials said this week.

Republicans in State Legislatures Look to Toughen Rioting Penalties

Indiana is one of nearly two dozen states where proposals along these lines have emerged in the wake of last year's protests over racial justice and police misconduct. Critics are raising constitutional rights concerns.

Many State Capitols Have Security Holes

“We're deeply concerned for what's likely to come in the coming months in state capitols."

As Rioters Storm U.S. Capitol, States See Protests

A crowd of President Trump's supporters forced their way into the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday. Protests at statehouses remained less volatile.

2020 Sees Largest Year-Over-Year Rise in Murder on Record

Preliminary data from this year shows that homicide rates are up in most major cities. The pandemic and social unrest are both possible factors in the rise.

One City Council Tried to Dissuade Protesters from Targeting the Governor's Private Home. (It Didn't Work.)

The city council in Orem, Utah, convened an emergency meeting to pass an ordinance restricting protests that target public officials' private homes. Two days later, protesters were back at Gov. Gary Herbert's house.

Protesters Sue Detroit, City Pledges to Countersue

Protesters against police brutality sued the city for the use of excessive force. The city’s top lawyer said he was “pleased to hear” of the lawsuit—because the city plans to countersue.

DOJ Inspector General to Review Federal Law Enforcement Response to Protests

The move comes as officers the Trump administration deployed to Portland, Oregon draw scrutiny.