
Democrats, White House Make a Deal on the New NAFTA

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced a deal Tuesday on the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement.

What Business Leaders Want Changed in the New NAFTA

The Senate Finance Committee heard from business people across the country Tuesday who support passage of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, but would like stronger enforcement mechanisms.

U.S. Cities Are Seeing a Big Drop in Tourism From China

Travel from China to the U.S. fell for the first time in over a decade. That could mean money lost for big cities as well as smaller places near national parks.

Food Banks Win in Trump Trade War

Food banks have been the beneficiaries of a program that buys surplus commodities from farmers affected by the trade tariffs and distributes them to outlets that serve low-income people.

Trade Groups, Lawmakers Deride Trump’s Mexico Tariff Plan

The escalation of tariffs would add $17 billion in new taxes at the 5 percent rate and $86 billion at the 25 percent rate.

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Agriculture Secretary Optimistic States Will Recover From Trade War

Sonny Perdue also called FCC broadband coverage maps “fake news,” saying his agency wants to get more accurate information from states.

Republican Governors Want Trade War With China Over Quickly

An outcome to negotiations that lowers or ends Chinese tariffs could be critical to President Trump’s reelection hopes, Arkansas’ governor predicted.

Estimating How Many Jobs the Trade Deficit With China Has Cost the U.S.

New research shows that the heaviest losses affected a diverse set of states, ranging from Vermont to Texas.

The Soybean-Producing States at Risk in the Trade War With China

Much of the nation’s exported soybeans went to China last year. Production is concentrated in a handful of states.

Moody’s: Trump’s $12B Farmer Bailout Won’t Have the Desired Effect

Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska and North Dakota have the most to lose in a “trade war” with China.

Trump Administration to Provide $12 Billion in Relief to Farmers Hurt by Trade War

The plan, which will include direct payments to some producers, was announced Tuesday.

China to Governors: A Trade War 'Brings Mutual Destruction'

At the National Governors Association meeting, governors agreed with Japanese and Chinese delegations that trade helps their local economies.

Mayor in Busy Texas Border Town Warns of Fallout From Trade Dispute

Pete Saenz, mayor of Laredo, called on federal officials to tamp down uncertainty over tariffs and trade pacts.

How One Montana City Is Weathering Talk of a ‘Trade War’

“If the farmers and ranchers aren’t making money, we feel it immediately in Great Falls.”

How Exposed Is Your State to Trade Tensions?

More than a dozen states have above-average international trade exposure, per a new Moody’s report.

The Stakes for States Remain High With Trade War ‘On Hold’

“I’m not sure that there’s a blue sky at the end of these back-and-forth negotiations over trade.”

Iowa Soybean Farmers Could Become the Face of a Trade War With China

Already hit by falling agricultural commodity prices, retaliatory tariffs would effectively kick producers while they’re down.

Chinese Tariffs Will Hit California's Most Vulnerable Counties Hardest

The Trump administration's escalating trade disagreement with China doesn't bode well for eight counties with high unemployment.

Moody's Highlights States Most Vulnerable to NAFTA Exit

Talks are ongoing between the U.S., Canada and Mexico over the future of the trade deal, which President Trump has criticized.