Ann Arbor

Coming Soon to Ann Arbor: Driverless Bus Shuttles on Campus

The University of Michigan believes it’s the first to deploy AVs on a college campus.

The Humble Microbus May Become the Leading Edge of the AV Revolution

“Just the fact that there are number of AV microbus experiments already up and running suggests there is indeed a problem to be solved,” according to tech analyst Mark Rogowsky.

Wanted in Ann Arbor: A City Administrator With ‘10-15 Years Experience in Child Care’

That job qualification might seem odd, but is an important reality in some local governments.

Urban Informatics: A Q&A With Robert Goodspeed of the University of Michigan

In advance of a Sept. 26 “unconference” on urban informatics in Ann Arbor, Route Fifty discusses the intersection of data, municipal governance, planning and innovation.

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