Navigator Award Finalist: Jean Ann Lawson, Chief Performance Officer, Kansas City, Mo.

Looking to improve agency customer service? The City of Fountains provides great case studies that showcase an impressive transformation.

Boston's ‘Situational Awareness’ on the Fourth of July

The city has modified a map-based, GIS tool to help it coordinate all public safety operations during the large-scale event and beyond.

How One Mayor Started Treating His Citizens More Like Customers

“We forget it’s the person whose trash we’re picking up who is the one who puts us in office,” says Provo, Utah, Mayor John Curtis.

Denver’s Path to Integrating Enterprise Content and Business Process Management

The Mile High City has been seeking a unified, cost-saving IT strategy since 2005.

Connect with state & local government leaders

An Alternative Way to Get Things Done in Chicago: Work With the City’s Aldermen

Sidestepping City Hall, some ward representatives are responding to service requests via Romulus, a new a new customer relationship management system.

A Medium-Size City’s Approach to Data

The stats program in Somerville, Massachusetts, is modeled after one of the earliest—Baltimore’s—with the knowledge that, sometimes, less is more.

This City’s Harvard Partnership Helped Eliminate Blight

The municipality formerly known as “Slumerville” has gone from a “basketcase,” in one lecturer’s words, to being well run.

Transforming Philadelphia’s City Services Through Customer Service

Rosetta Lue, the city’s chief customer service officer, says “there is a change that’s happening across government from local up to the federal level where we’re all trying to improve that experience.”