Artificial intelligence

One year ago, New York City introduced a sweeping AI plan. Here’s how it’s going.

In a Q&A with Route Fifty, one of the architects of the city’s ambitious AI Action Plan discusses the process and challenges for ensuring the technology is used responsibly and ethically.

States still on a ‘learning curve’ amid generative AI’s promise

Leaders acknowledged the technology’s promise at the recent National Association of State Chief Information Officers conference, but said data management is a major obstacle preventing widespread use in government.

Amid tight budgets and talent gaps, the job of state technology chief just keeps expanding

Many state chief information security officers say they don’t have a reliable budget, staff or expertise to adequately protect against cyberattacks, according to a new survey.

AI fatigue

COMMENTARY | It's true, workers are already experiencing AI burnout. Here's how leaders can recognize and manage it.

Water-challenged state uses AI, satellites to find leaks

New Mexico will use artificial intelligence to monitor satellite images to identify leaks before they become major problems.

As wildfires burn throughout the West, officials are turning to AI

In California, fire officials began using artificial intelligence last year to scan cameras for smoke.

States move to protect recording artists from AI-generated likenesses

After Tennessee passed the ELVIS Act this past winter to protect an artist’s name, image and likeness from being used by digital replicas, other states are considering similar legislation.

Does California's AI bill go too far or fall short? It depends who you ask.

The legislation requires developers of large AI systems to test if they can be used in various extreme scenarios. It has support as well as plenty of detractors in the state’s large tech community.

Policymakers move to get ahead of deepfake political ads

Several states already require that AI’s use in elections and campaigns be disclosed, but adoption is not universal. With the election on the horizon, efforts have increased to make sure voters can identify AI-generated content.

Looking for tech talent? Broaden your search, experts say

As governments struggle to close the IT skills gap, one state’s cybersecurity program stands out for who it is encouraging to participate.

How one state is using technology to curb high pedestrian fatality rates

Texas has the second highest pedestrian fatality rates in the country. It is looking beyond just physical infrastructure to curb traffic deaths in the state.

AI and the power of intelligent voice

COMMENTARY | The new category in artificial intelligence, conversational AI, has governments captivated. Here are some of the ways they are thinking of using AI-powered voice communications.

What is generative AI? Most of the public sector workforce doesn’t know

A recent survey found that only about a third understands the technology, and that even fewer use it daily. But a few basic approaches could change that, experts say.

Was Los Angeles schools’ $6 million AI venture a disaster waiting to happen?

The vision for what the much-hyped chatbot could do is ‘really not possible with where the technology is today,’ one insider says.

Governors seek more say over grid planning process

As states scramble to find reliable sources of electric power amid ever-growing demand for energy, four Democratic governors are seeking more say in their regional electric grid operator's future planning.

How AI can help and hurt the environment

Artificial intelligence could put a greater strain on electricity, water and other resources already under pressure from data centers. But the technology also presents opportunities to address environmental challenges.

In this county, AI is its ‘institutional knowledge in a box’

The way Washoe County, Nevada, is using artificial intelligence may not be flashy or innovative, but its “boring” approach is leading to better customer service and, maybe, more transformative projects down the road.

Don’t rush into AI experiments too quickly, experts say

Speakers at Route Fifty’s latest Innovation Spotlight cautioned the need to balance innovation in artificial intelligence with good governance, despite the desire for adoption to happen quicker.

¿Cómo Se Dice? California loops in AI to translate health care information

State health policy officials hope to save money and make critical health care forms, applications, websites and other information available to more people in what they call the nation’s most linguistically diverse state.

No shortcuts: Only well-managed AI will deliver on its promise

COMMENTARY | Artificial intelligence opens new opportunities for policymaking and service delivery, but success still depends on understanding residents’ needs and on the thoughtful handling of their data.