Campaigns & Elections

How mapping tech is revolutionizing election administration

Few jurisdictions make use of geographic information system mapping, but those that do use it to help connect voters with polling places, manage requests and assets, and tabulate results.

Can a candidate with ties to Trump break Democrats’ hold on N.C. governorship?

Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson has attracted controversy with his incendiary remarks, but he also has the backing of Donald Trump in a state the former president seems poised to win.

Did Supreme Court ruling come too late to reverse ‘chilling effect’ on 2024 disinformation?

While the justices found in Murthy v. Missouri that two states lacked standing to sue over alleged government censorship, observers warned that the case may have already damaged efforts to crack down ahead of November.

Despite what some politicians say, crime rates are decreasing

Violent crime in the U.S. saw a significant decrease in the first quarter of 2024, according to preliminary data from the FBI. But some may stille manipulate crime statistics for political gain, experts warn.

Proposed federal AI roadmap would fund local election offices

Amid warnings that artificial intelligence could “totally discredit our election systems,” a group of U.S. senators released a sprawling roadmap that includes grant funding to keep elections safe from AI.

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Can the snarky ‘Save Our Yachts’ campaign save Washington’s capital gains tax?

The long-fought-for and hard-won tax has survived its legal challenges. Now it must survive the ballot.

States are banning private funding of elections. Some worry about unintended consequences.

Wisconsin voters approved a ballot measure banning such cash infusions earlier this month. Proponents of the bans say they limit interference in elections, but opponents say chronically underfunded elections offices need help.

As elections loom, congressional maps challenged as discriminatory will remain in place

With control of the House of Representatives hanging in the balance, the time-consuming appeals process means elections in multiple districts will take place using maps that have been challenged as discriminatory to voters of color.

Election laws fighting AI deepfakes need to be targeted and adaptable, report says

The technology’s use in voter suppression cannot be underestimated, according to a report from the progressive group NewDEAL. It recommends how states can craft laws to combat the threat.

States look to rein in ballot initiatives with more ballot initiatives

Ballot measures in recent years have been used to expand Medicaid, preserve abortion rights and raise minimum wages. Now, state lawmakers are turning to them to put more restrictions on the process.

Counties want more money for elections. Washington is unlikely to provide it.

“I just don't want anybody to walk out of here thinking that all of a sudden a massive flow of funds is going to come forward,” a House committee chairman told county officials.

Election leaders debut new standards of conduct, aim to build trust ahead of key races

The standards call for better communication and more transparency. Secretaries of state and other election administrators on hand for the announcement also detailed the challenges they are facing leading up the November general election.

Fake Biden robocall to New Hampshire voters highlights how easy it is to make deepfakes

COMMENTARY | Deepfake technology is widely available, and a pivotal election year lies ahead. The fake Biden robocall is likely to be just the latest of a series of AI-enhanced disinformation campaigns.

On the Agenda 2024: State and local issues to watch

Here are the 10 biggest challenges government leaders will confront in the new year.

Why advocates for transgender rights are so thrilled with election results

After years of putting transgender issues at the center of the culture wars, several anti-trans candidates were defeated in Tuesday’s state and local elections. Plus, more news to use from around the country in this week's State and Local Roundup.

Democrats prove they have staying power in state elections

Plus, abortion rights and pot legalization win in Ohio, Philadelphia elects its first woman mayor, and a falsely accused member of "Central Park Five" joins New York City council.

What to watch for in Tuesday’s high-stakes elections

Abortion rights are playing a pivotal role in elections in Ohio, Kentucky and Virginia. Plus, more news to use from around the country in this week's State and Local Roundup.

Ending the deepfake threat to elections before it starts

Officials try to get ahead of misinformation created by AI before the 2024 elections.

Are elections enough to keep state legislators in check?

In a new book, political science professor Steven Rogers argues that voters don’t have the tools to keep tabs on their lawmakers. That could impact how legislators do their jobs.

GOP states announce new voter roll systems. Are they as secure as ERIC?

An expert in elections administration and one of the founders of ERIC says the new systems could suffer from low data quality, high costs and inadequate security.