
As Trump Threatens NAFTA (Again), States With the Most on the Line Ahead of Trade Talks

A reminder of some of the places that could see an economic backlash if the president ends up blowing up the North American trade deal.

Mich., N.D. Governors Warn Ditching NAFTA Could Hurt Their States

Govs. Rick Snyder and Doug Burgum, both Republicans, say the agreement should be updated, but not nixed.

Route Fifty Roadmap: A Dispatch From a Remote U.S.-Canada Border Post

More than 15 years after 9/11 brought changes to border security at the first International Peace Park, this part of Montana and beyond is dealing with another challenge: seasonal labor shortages.

Mitigating DDoS Attacks to Maintain Citizen Service

While such cyberassaults are generally perceived as less harmful than other attacks, they can be just as damaging. Daniel Steeves, the CIO for the Ottawa Police Service, details a useful case study from Canada’s capital city.

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