
How a Vending Machine Prevents Drug Overdoses

About 600 lives have been saved by a machine in Ohio that stocks overdose treatments and other harm reduction tools, according to a health nonprofit.

Route Fifty Presents: The Top State and Local Races to Watch on Election Night

Here's a roundup of the hottest governors' and mayors' contests around the U.S.

Trump Turns to State Legislators in His Bid to Overturn Election Results

STATE AND LOCAL ROUNDUP | CDC recommends avoiding Thanksgiving travel … Biden meets with governors … Third Cincinnati council member arrested on corruption charges … Las Vegas tries to lure tech workers from Seattle and San Francisco

Cities and Counties Make Workforce Cuts as Coronavirus Financial Toll Mounts

Cincinnati this week announced it would place hundreds of workers on unpaid temporary leave. It’s just one of the places facing tough staffing decisions.

How One City Council Member Plans to Make Renting Less Expensive

Security deposits can eat up most of renters’ savings. One elected official in Cincinnati wants to offer a different option.

Connect with state & local government leaders

How Sustainable Is Your City?

An Ohio city was named most sustainable for the second year in a row in Site Selection's annual rankings.

The Most Affordable Cities for Single Renters

Rankings factored in median monthly rent, cost of living and median earnings for full-time workers, among other metrics.

A New Plot Twist in Cincinnati’s Ongoing City Hall Soap Opera

STATE AND LOCAL ROUNDUP | Mo. governor wants restraining order against state AG … Fla. bridge collapse prompts safety reviews elsewhere … Mich. is a PFAS hotspot … and Puerto Rico is without power, again.

A Blue-Collar Version of Silicon Valley Takes Root in the Midwest

After years in the doldrums, the fortunes of Midwestern metro areas are rising.

Data USA Relaunches With More State and Local Visualizations

Cities from Cincinnati to Phoenix have incorporated the information into their own platforms.

Cincinnati Seeks P3 Deal to Develop a ‘Wi-Fi Superhighway’

“We want the marketplace to organically build this thing out,” according to City Manager Harry Black.

Municipal Insights That Involve More ‘Than Just Plotting Data Points on a Map’

Cincinnati has rolled out 14 interactive dashboards that are regularly updated and built upon the city’s open data portal.

Navigator Award Finalists: Cincinnati City Manager Harry Black and Team

Among all the impressive work being done at Cincinnati City Hall to improve services, there’s a great fix-it app, too.

How Cincinnati's Public Utilities Have Deployed Drone Aircraft

“Using drone technology we can do it in a matter of minutes, versus a matter of hours or days, and redirect human resources to other facets of the utility,” according to City Manager Harry Black.

Bomb Threat Temporarily Derails Cincinnati Streetcar Service; Louisiana Mayors Criticize FEMA Flood Response

Also in Our State and Local Weekend Digest: A push to bump Trump off Minnesota's ballot; condemnation of Israel boycott riles New Yorkers; and bees collateral damage in S.C. mosquito spraying.

How Apps Can Prompt Police Departments to Release More Stats

In trying to answer questions about U.S. crime using open data, app developers on the online analytics platform Foxtrot Code are requiring even more transparency from city officials.

Here’s How Cincinnati Plans to Pay for Street Care Without More Taxes

While keeping debt in line with or beneath current levels, the city aims to use short-term borrowing to help fund paving and other maintenance in the coming years.

Cincinnati Takes Big Step to Improve Its Permitting Process

While it’s important to improve online services, Ohio’s third-largest city has upgraded the brick-and-mortar experience, too.

Data Is the Fuel That Turns the Gears of Government

It's also powering incremental change that's improving operations and public services. Just look at Cincinnati.