Civic Tech

Creating a Virtual City Hall

COMMENTARY | Doing so can offer residents a digital one-stop shop for interacting with local government, while also improving the experience.

States Build on Covid Lessons for Monkeypox Tracking

As case levels rise, states are reporting more demographic data.

Code for America’s CEO on This Moment in Civic Tech

Amanda Renteria talks about the recent customer experience executive order, the nonprofit's work in federal and state government service delivery and what's next.

State and Local Government Beats out Federal in Survey of Citizen Trust

Digital services had a strong impact on whether residents found governments trustworthy, according to the report from Deloitte.

Cities Embraced Technology During Covid But Still Lack Comprehensive Digital Policies

A white paper identifies gaps in technology governance in cities, including problems with accessibility, digital infrastructure and cybersecurity.

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3 Essential Elements Governments Need to Expand Broadband

Dedicated offices, planning and technical assistance and competitive grant programs are key components for effective broadband efforts, says The Pew Charitable Trusts.

States Invested in Broadband Expansion Despite 2020 Budget Woes

The need to move routine activities online during the pandemic sharpened policymakers’ focus on expanding access to high-speed, reliable internet for residents, according to The Pew Charitable Trusts.

States Bolster Data Security Technology in Response to Covid-19, Survey Finds

Governments have faced significant technology challenges during the pandemic, with 79% saying they faced major issues adopting and expanding remote work, according to the National Association of State Technology Directors.

Why Getting More People with Disabilities Developing Technology is Good for Everyone

COMMENTARY | Accessible technology is better for everyone, and accessible technology benefits when the people who rely on it most help build it.

As Neighborhood Watch Apps Ascend, so Do the Threats They Pose

Billed as public safety platforms, these apps are poised to funnel collective anxiety into something more nefarious.

Hackers Threaten to Release Police Records, Knock 911 Offline

Prosecutors have dropped criminal cases because hackers cut off access to evidence.

Local Governments Expect to Embrace Some—But Not All—Technology Post-Pandemic, Survey Finds

Eighty-one percent of local leaders in The Atlas survey said they conducted board meetings virtually, but only 54% expect to continue the practice. Others, including digital permitting, community engagement and citizen requests, are likely here to stay.

Child Care Benefits at Work: This App Helps your Employer Pay Your Family and Friends for Babysitting

Helpr, one of the fastest growing apps offering backup child care, is behind new legislation in California that would require big employers to give their workers subsidized backup care.

Are Plastic Driver's Licenses Headed For the Dumpster?

Utah is one of nearly two dozen states exploring digital driver’s licenses, stored on smartphones, that state officials say come with enhanced privacy and control.

Pandemic Drives Phone, Computer ‘Right-to-Repair’ Bills

Legislation in half the states would make it easier to fix phones and computers.

Hackers Tried to Poison a City's Drinking Water Supply

The cyberattack used remote access to toggle levels of sodium hydroxide at a water treatment plant near Tampa, Florida, but an operator at the facility quickly fixed the problem, officials said.

Survey: Residents Prefer Multiple Ways to Access Local Government Services

But the specific type of access that residents prefer—in-person visits, phone calls, or digital—depends on where they live and how old they are.

Tech and Data Can Serve As the Backbone for Vaccine Distribution

COMMENTARY | Technology and data will need to play a pivotal role for state and local governments’ Covid-19 vaccination distribution programs.

These States Are Best Prepared for Challenges to Cybersecurity, Civic Tech

A state-by-state analysis by the Internet Association, a trade group for tech companies, examines states' IT modernization efforts against a handful of metrics.

Seeking To Boost Savings and Safety, One State Eliminates Paper Tax Forms

Missouri will stop printing paper taxes forms and encourage residents to file electronically, which a spokeswoman said most taxpayers already do.