
Calls for cyber framework harmonization ramp up

Efforts to streamline cybersecurity regulations across governments, industries and sectors are underway. The nationwide program StateRAMP has launched its initiative to standardize those rules and regulations.

What is ‘reasonable cybersecurity’?

The term is used in policy after policy. But with no standard definition, networks are often left unprotected and open to lawsuits. That is changing.

Identifying and mitigating third-party IT risks

COMMENTARY | Transparency, accountability and collaboration with vendors can help agencies reduce the risks associated with third-party contracting.

As mobile IDs proliferate, concerns about cybersecurity and data privacy mount

New York is the latest state to adopt a mobile driver’s license. But while the technology holds promise and is convenient for users, there remain concerns.

FCC approves pilot to boost cybersecurity in schools

Amid a rapid increase in ransomware attacks on k-12 schools, the commission is allocating $200 million over three years to strengthen cyber protections.

Connect with state & local government leaders

Proposed federal AI roadmap would fund local election offices

Amid warnings that artificial intelligence could “totally discredit our election systems,” a group of U.S. senators released a sprawling roadmap that includes grant funding to keep elections safe from AI.

Why cybersecurity begins with users

COMMENTARY | Employees who are the least aware of security threats often present the biggest risk.

AI guardrails vs. ‘guiderails’: Navigating the curvy road ahead

COMMENTARY | Rather than focusing on guardrails, which try to prevent undesirable outcomes, agencies should consider more proactive guiderails that make generative AI safe and easy to use.

New cyber range helps future tech workers wargame cybersecurity

Fulton-Montgomery Community College in New York will open its range to students this fall, making it the first in the nation to offer one on campus as part of its academic curriculum.

More than 70% of surveyed water systems failed to meet EPA cyber standards

The agency says it will take certain enforcement actions in cases where there is imminent danger from a cyberthreat against water infrastructure.

These federal grants can help ease multiplying election threats

Cyber and physical threats are some of the biggest issues local election officials face ahead of the November presidential contest. Researchers said while there is a finite amount of funding, federal grants can help ease the pressure.

Whole-of-state program delivers security that’s ‘antivirus on steroids’

Woodbury, Minnesota, was one of the first cities to take advantage of the subsidized managed detection and response solution.

Measuring and managing risk in the quest for resilience

COMMENTARY | Incidents like the Baltimore bridge collapse should motivate local leaders to think carefully about risk management, prevention and mitigation.

Banning TikTok won’t solve social media’s foreign influence, teen harm and data privacy problems

COMMENTARY | Protecting Americans cannot be accomplished by banning a single app. To truly protect their constituents, lawmakers would need to enact broad, far-reaching regulation.

Lessons learned from whole-of-state cybersecurity efforts

More than two years into the federal cybersecurity grant program, state and local tech leaders say information sharing between the different levels of government is the most important aspect of the approach.

How hurricane response helped one state’s cyber preparedness

Local governments in Louisiana are used to having the National Guard come in during natural disasters. Today, they are growing used to the guard coming in during a cyberattack, too.

States warned of ‘recent and ongoing’ cyber threats to critical infrastructure

The EPA and White House acknowledged water systems and other utilities “often lack the resources” to adopt rigorous cybersecurity measures. They want to partner to bolster the current efforts of state and local governments.

Schools are vulnerable to breaches—and hackers know it

Schools face unique challenges in shoring up their cyber defenses. Just ask Baltimore County Public Schools. It suffered a successful attack in 2020, and while its cyber protection has improved, it still faces roadblocks.

As cyber grant program hits the halfway mark, feds laud states’ progress

Two years into the $1 billion program, state and local governments are better prepared for cyber attacks. But funding remains an obstacle as under-resourced cybersecurity budgets struggle to keep up with mounting threats.

Is the US privacy policy good enough?

COMMENTARY | A disjointed approach plagued by compromises is making American data privacy policy more complicated and less effective in delivering the protections people desperately want and need to see.