digital twins

Digital twins: Debunking 4 common myths

COMMENTARY | State and local agencies can use digital twins to run detailed analysis of planned roadways, housing developments and facilities to spot hidden issues.

Building better maps with open data on building heights

To inform broadband buildouts, positioning of solar panels and development of digital twins, state and local agencies can now tap into open building height data.

Digital twins for cities promising, yet problematic

Complex systems like digital twins pose both technical and adaptive challenges, so communities must ensure they have both the right technology and the people with skills to use and maintain them, a new IDC report advises.

Smarter local airports via digital twins

Digital twins can help airport planners effectively manage future renovation projects, monitor daily operations and visualize future scenarios.

How digital twins can enrich emergency response

With their advanced simulation and predictive analytics capabilities, digital twins can give responders a common operating picture with real-time, integrated information.

Connect with state & local government leaders

IoT network delivers real-time data on parking availability

Data from low-power internet-of-things sensors buried under 4,500 on-street parking spaces will help Arlington County better understand the feasibility of demand-based pricing for metered curb space.

Private 5G takes stress off enterprise Wi-Fi

Besides enabling users to stay secure and connected as they travel across campus, Cal Poly’s private network allows for dynamic bandwidth customization, ensuring availability at peak times and scaling back at others.

City seeks digital twin for public building interiors

As original blueprints are no longer accurate, Aurora, Illinois, wants indoor digital maps to update records and increase public safety.

An entire Pacific country will upload itself to the metaverse. It’s a desperate plan – with a hidden message

As climate change threatens the livelihood of Tuvalu, the country proposes uploading itself to the metaverse to virtually preserve its land and culture.

Digital twins need more than infrastructure data, expert says

Real-time, bi-directional data can help cities determine not just what residents are doing – but why, according to the Smart Cities Council.