
New doula program helps parents tackle substance use disorders

The Philadelphia Community Doula Support program can help new parents avoid overdoses and court-ordered family separations.

California pays meth users to get sober

Substance use experts say incentive programs that reward participants, even in a small way, can have a powerful effect with meth users in particular, and a growing body of evidence indicates they can lead to long-term abstinence.

Oregon rolls back decriminalization of drugs. But is it too soon?

At a time when drug overdoses plague the nation, Oregon will recriminalize hard drugs, walking back a first-in-the nation experiment that critics say the state botched.

Policies to expand access to psychedelics could be ‘short-sighted’

While research shows psychedelics’ potential to mitigate the effects of substance use disorders, observers warn states might be better off waiting for federal guidance before legalizing their use and possession.

You’re not tripping: State and local leaders give psychedelics another chance

More than 50 years after policymakers started cracking down on the hallucinogenic drugs, states and cities are now embracing them as a way to treat mental health disorders.