
States are enacting school cellphone bans. Here’s what that looks like.

Virginia became the latest state to take action against smartphone usage in public schools. The policy approaches differ.

New report: School cops double student arrest rates and race, gender key factors

Government watchdog reveals students twice as likely to be arrested when officers are present and their race, gender and disability play pivotal role.

Stackable certificates could be a lifeline for governments facing an IT talent crisis

COMMENTARY | In an era of breakneck digital transformation, this incremental and cumulative approach to upskilling could be the answer to states and localities' hiring woes.

Was Los Angeles schools’ $6 million AI venture a disaster waiting to happen?

The vision for what the much-hyped chatbot could do is ‘really not possible with where the technology is today,’ one insider says.

America’s biggest education experiment is happening in Houston. Could it change U.S. schools?

The controversial reforms underway in Houston ISD rival the biggest U.S. education experiments—and could impact schools across the nation.

Connect with state & local government leaders

Teachers demand climate solutions in their next contract

From California to Massachusetts, teachers unions have started to get loud about climate justice demands. In Chicago, the teachers union wants their new contract to address the rising cost of climate change on students and the community.

It’s time to take a serious look at esports gaming

The growing popularity of competitive video games is creating opportunities for governments at all levels. It builds skills, fosters community at local rec centers and schools and even boosts tourism.

Big districts like Philadelphia ‘gamble’ on higher spending as enrollment falls, study finds

End of federal relief funds means 'all of the big districts at once' face decisions about layoffs and school closures, says Manhattan Institute.

FCC approves pilot to boost cybersecurity in schools

Amid a rapid increase in ransomware attacks on k-12 schools, the commission is allocating $200 million over three years to strengthen cyber protections.

School's out for summer, but virtual learning is in

Momentum for virtual learning has been building for years, and come fall, it will be offered in hundreds of more schools.

This Montana school solved its teacher shortage by opening a day care

On-site day cares are being used as a recruitment tool. Turns out, they help more than just the teachers.

After a 7-year experiment, New Orleans is an all-charter district no more

The closely watched experiment is coming to an end. New Orleans Public Schools will now act both as a charter school authorizer and an old-fashioned school district.

Universities try 3-year degrees to save students time, money

As states explore shorter degrees, some faculty say they undercut students’ education.

Utah’s largest teacher union files lawsuit against state's school choice voucher program

The lawsuit argues the voucher program violates several provisions of the Utah Constitution that require the state to establish an education system equally accessible to every child. It comes amid an expansion of these programs nationwide.

Texas schools illegally suspended thousands of homeless students—and nobody stopped them

Hundreds of districts have illegally suspended students over the past five years, according to data obtained from the Texas Education Agency, denying students access to the food, shelter and education often found only on campus.

Amid record high NYC homeless student population, calls grow for laundry machines in schools

More than 1,600 public schools offers on-site laundry services, allowing students who live in temporary housing or who otherwise lack access to such facilities to wash their clothes while at school.

New cyber range helps future tech workers wargame cybersecurity

Fulton-Montgomery Community College in New York will open its range to students this fall, making it the first in the nation to offer one on campus as part of its academic curriculum.

To help address teens’ mental health needs, state to launch Youth Mental Health Corps

Colorado's program will train young adults ages 18 to 24 to connect middle and high school students to needed mental health supports and resources.

To meet class size mandate, officials look to virtual learning

To meet a new state mandate capping K-12 class sizes, New York City is considering offering remote instruction, a practice that could free up building space and allow students to take electives and AP classes from teachers on other campuses.

Florida’s school safety dashboard helps parents and teachers address root causes of misbehavior

COMMENTARY | School leaders can use the dashboard to identify areas of concern in their own school—such as an increasing pattern of fights—and then develop evidence-based solutions and training to address the issues.