
After Ferguson, Civic Tech Collaborative Helps Residents Navigate Convoluted Criminal Justice System

In St. Louis County, residents—and black residents in particular—often find themselves drowning in questionable fines and fees. Enter YourSTLCourts.

Has the 'Ferguson Effect’ Finally Been Debunked?

Two sets of data out this week poke holes in the popular theory.

Another Blow to the Overarching ‘Ferguson Effect’ Theory

A new University of Colorado-Boulder study found urban crime remains low.

Ferguson Releases Draft DOJ Agreement Meant to Guide Policing, Court Reforms

The city is seeking public feedback in advance of an expected City Council vote on Feb. 9 on whether to proceed with the consent decree.

Ferguson’s Credit Rating Lowered to Junk By Moody’s

The downgrade comes as the Missouri city faces litigation and federal scrutiny stemming from last year’s police shooting of an unarmed black teen.

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Ferguson Fallout Leaves States Struggling With Court Debt

Insufficient data and the need to raise revenue impede states' efforts to reform local court fines and fees.