Government Website Design

Feds move to make gov websites more accessible to people with disabilities

It’s the first time the federal government has ever issued rules clarifying how the more than 30-year-old Americans with Disabilities Act applies online. But the new rules come with a hefty price tag for state and local governments.

States, localities should transition to the .gov domain ‘hard stop,’ federal official says

The cybersecurity official noted the benefits of using the free domain at a recent event, following the release of a report warning of escalating cybersecurity threats.

Poll Finds Distrust in Covid Information From State Leaders

It also suggests few people rely on state and local government websites as primary sources of information about the pandemic.

New Study Grades State Government Spending Websites

Ohio and West Virginia were among the states that fared well in the rankings.

Oakland’s Website Overhaul Is Underway

A new Design League embedded with city departments is helping identify which services to digitize.

Connect with state & local government leaders

Citizen-Centric Technology Means Rethinking Development

NIC’s VP of technology looks ahead to 2018 and explains why state and local CIOs need to move to a "product and platform mentality.”

The Necessity of Creating Fictitious People to Improve Digital Government

“When we say as a state, ‘who are our users?,’ we have to segment users out,” according to Georgia’s chief digital officer.

How One Minnesota City Streamlined Its Web Content Strategy

St. Louis Park’s new site understands residents seek transactional government.

Newly Redesigned Just Went Open Source

Officials boast this is the first time a major U.S. city has made its full website code public.

Voter Information on Government Websites Still Fails Basic Accessibility Tests

Are inaccessible features on government websites making it harder for people with disabilities to vote?

What an Informed Digital Strategy Can Do for Your Government Website

“Boston’s focus on its website as a product that lives and can be managed going forward is a great perspective that a lot of government agencies have trouble adopting.”

How a Western Massachusetts Town Took Its Payments Online

An open-source web platform is helping places like Hinsdale go digital.

Local Governments Still Don’t Quite Understand Federal Web Accessibility Rules

89 percent of local government leaders recently surveyed had little or no knowledge of the requirements for digital accessibility.

Poorly Designed State and Local Government Websites Might Violate Federal Rules

Making digital resources accessible to those who are blind or have limited or impaired vision is important for Americans With Disabilities Act Title II compliance.

Boston Launches Pilot Version of Its Revamped City Website

Newly designed topic pages combine information from across departments in attempt to mirror users’ thinking.

Why’s Pageviews Quadrupled Last Year

A new user-centric approach to Web design is being employed with state agency sites.

Municipal Websites Prep Residents for El Niño Impacts

Coastal California communities have prepared for the worst. And they’ve been preparing their digital portals, too.

What’s Next for Louisville’s Digital Team?

The city launched a new version of its website last year and is working hard to improve its open data portal and personalized services.

Dissecting One Community’s Digital Outreach on a Major Infrastructure Project

Rebuilding the Eisenhower Expressway through Oak Park, Illinois, will be a major undertaking. Here’s how this Chicago suburb is informing its residents of the planning process and what’s to come.

Why Launching a New Website Is Only Half the Battle for Local Governments

Without an effective communications strategy, residents won’t know what’s changed.