Hartford, Connecticut

The Downtown Highway That Could Drive Hartford’s Comeback

The Connecticut capital has been using zoning and transit reforms to stage a downtown recovery. But there’s one big thing in the way: an aging interstate.

Hartford Nears Bankruptcy as State Aid Remains Uncertain

Connecticut struggles in its third month without a budget and faces a deadline where Gov. Dannel Malloy will have to start cutting municipal aid.

Betsy DeVos vs. Connecticut: State and School Leaders Skewer Her ‘Dangerous Daycare’ Remarks

Angry responses percolated over the Memorial Day weekend and erupted Tuesday in public protest.

Hartford Suffers Downgrade, as Connecticut Struggles With Its Budget

Uncertainty about state aid has analysts concerned about capital city’s general obligation and stadium bonds.

Here’s Another Tool to Make Cities Smarter

The Smart Cities Council wants more municipalities to assess their ability to innovate and start pursuing smart energy and broadband solutions.

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