Internet of Things

Smart Concrete Could Pave the Way for High-Tech, Cost-Effective Roads

COMMENTARY | The life of structures could be extended, however, if damages were monitored in real time and fixed early on.

IoT Security Bill Nears Passage as New Consortium Tackles Open 5G

Government officials are thinking about how the use of drones as part of the network infrastructure will affect security.

What's Next for the House-Passed Internet of Things Security Bill

Some security professionals point to broad exemptions in the Senate version of the legislation that could undermine the effort to guide federal procurement decisions.

A Town Turns to Analytic Modeling—and Data-Sharing—to Improve Flood Monitoring

The town of Cary, N.C., is launching a new flood-monitoring system that uses analytic modeling to predict near-term flooding. The data is shared with neighboring communities, warning officials that downstream flooding could be heading their way.

Open-Source Project Aims to Broaden Access to Early Alerts for Earthquakes 

Using internet of things devices and open-source standards, developers and citizen scientists can help monitor earthquake activity, deliver alerts in moments of risk—and more. 

Connect with state & local government leaders

States Move Ahead With Digital License Plates

Maryland is the latest state to launch a pilot program to test the technology for consumer use.

A Startup Wants to Turn Your City’s Trash Into a Heap of Big Data

One company hopes to create an “Internet of Garbage,” with the promise to bring better logistics to municipal waste.

What Hackers Have in Store for 2019

COMMENTARY | From ransomware to crypto mining: state and local governments should expect “quieter” attacks.

The Tech Lessons of Westworld for Our World

COMMENTARY | I'm not worried about rampaging robots, I worry about speed.

In California, It’s Going to Be Illegal to Make Routers With Weak Passwords

By 2020, any internet-connected device would need a unique password or a feature that forces the consumer to set a personal password.

Five States To Get A Smart Tech Boot Camp

The states will be the first in the multi-year "Smarter States, Smarter Communities" learning lab, which grows out of National Governor Association Chair Brian Sandoval's 'Ahead of the Curve' Initiative.

Monitoring Fire Truck Health in Real Time

For fire departments, nothing is more problematic than an out-of-service rig.

Why Cities Should Jump at the Chance to Add Cell Towers to Streetlights

COMMENTARY | In a contributed piece, the authors suggest compromises and efficiencies to ensure cities do not get left behind in the 5G revolution.

Homeland Security Wants Industry Input on Wearable Tech for First Responders

Wearables are great—but they can't get in the way when firefighters and paramedics do their jobs.

Smart Technology Must Be Part of the U.S. Infrastructure Discussion, Too

Q&A: Security and privacy issues will abound if they go unaddressed as cities increasingly install smart infrastructure, according to federal officials.

Kansas City Enters ‘Phase 2’ of Its Smart City Transformation

“There is a greater value to the data we maintain as a city than we anticipated,” according to the city’s chief innovation officer.

Virginia Beach Is Using an IoT-Enabled Sensor Network to Predict Flooding in Real Time

Local officials are hoping high-resolution, hydrodynamic models using fluid physics will improve preparedness and response in a low-lying region vulnerable to flooding.

Eliminating Net Neutrality, FCC Plans Battle With State and Local Authorities

Language in the net neutrality repeal sets the groundwork for an attempt to aggressively constrain and eliminate state and local regulations.

How States and Cities Can Secure the Internet of Things

As we connect more and more devices, governments must keep an active watch on their network.