IT Procurement

Buying Into the Internet of Things

States need to be smart and strategic when purchasing connected devices, according to Alaska's chief procurement officer.

Washington State's CIO on the Impending ‘Sea Change’ in Purchasing Government IT

WATCH: As Michael Cockrill leaves public service, he reflected with Route Fifty on rebranding ‘public service’ and how purchasing IT is fundamentally changing.

What’s Procurement Got to Do With IT?

Through the efforts of their national associations, state CIOs and procurement officers are learning how to read from the same sheet music.

Contractors Are Confident Amid Uncertain Political Environment

Businesses that sell to government are bullish—buoyed by an uptick in voter-approved infrastructure spending, as well as an increase in bids and RFPs.

A New Way of Procuring Radios? Roger That.

In a guest article, the executive director of the National Association of State Procurement Officials shares how one state’s contracting improvements brought significant savings that materialized in multiple ways.

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How Massachusetts Is Improving Fiscal Transparency and Procurement in the Process

The state comptroller’s new spending and transparency platform, CTHRU, provides transaction-level detail into a $60 billion annual budget, as part of a subscription ensuring that insight will only get better with time.

Life After State Procurement Reform

As Texas found, agencies can be cautious of new purchasing rules.

This Housing Authority Took App Delivery Into the Cloud

Workplace entry is easier when core software can quickly be pushed to anyone’s device securely.

State IT Accessibility Is Improving, But Here’s How It Can Get Even Better

Procurement reforms, innovation teams and testing policies are a few recommendations from experts at NASCIO’s midyear conference in Baltimore.

Efforts to Streamline State Purchasing Systems Should be Encouraged

What can states do to modernize the way they buy goods and services? Here are the recommendations and best practices from the National Association of State Procurement Officials.

At Code for America, There’s Hope for Local Procurement Reform Amid Ongoing Struggles

‘The promise of technology and data transparency … is very exciting and will bring about change.’ But there’s a lot of work to do.

How States Can Make Their Digital Offerings Accessible to People With Disabilities

On the 25th anniversary of the Americans With Disabilities Act’s signing, a new policy brief argues governments should be doing more for civil rights when it comes to procurement.

Four Critical Cybersecurity Issues Facing State and Local Governments

"Defending our essential infrastructure and government services, our intellectual property and our citizens’ safety are of paramount importance."

Big IT Purchases Don’t Always Fit a State’s Procurement Process

An alternative approach used in Georgia “gives us multiple bites at the apple,” according to the state’s CTO.

Implementing New Technology in State Government Can Create Big Headaches

“We still have a long way to go . . . for government to be the digital business we need it to be,” Massachusetts Chief Information Officer Bill Oates said at a NASCIO conference session.