
A Campaign to Counter Christian Nationalism in State Politics

At a time when many Republicans appear increasingly willing to blur the lines between church and state, the Freedom From Religion Foundation wants to convince politicians that secular voters constitute a large and growing bloc.

Why the Supreme Court’s Football Coach Decision is a Game-changer on School Prayer

COMMENTARY | The case is noteworthy because the court has now decided that public school employees can pray when supervising students.

Can a Christian Flag Fly at City Hall? Supreme Court Will Decide

Shurtleff v. Boston raises important questions about free speech and religion in public spaces.

Supreme Court to Consider LGBTQ Rights and Foster Care the Day After Election

The case, which concerns a taxpayer-funded Catholic adoption agency, could make a big impact on LGBTQ rights and force changes in government contracting practices with religious organizations.

Justice Department Wades into Second Legal Fight Over State Restrictions on Church Services

The federal agency argues Virginia’s limits on public gatherings could violate the Constitution.

Coronavirus Restrictions on Religious Services Come Under DOJ Scrutiny

The Justice Department lays out its plan to proactively monitor state and local ordinances and take action to correct those prosecutors believe are unconstitutional.

Ahead of Easter Sunday, Kansas Lawmakers Revoke Governor's Restrictions on Church Gatherings

Gov. Laura Kelly had issued an order earlier this week prohibiting crowds of more than 10 people at religious services as part of efforts to combat the spread of the coronavirus.

Salt Lake City Cracks Down on Large Groups Greeting Missionaries at Airport

The stricter rules came after hundreds of residents ignored social-distancing guidelines to greet missionaries returning from abroad.

Utah Would Decriminalize Polygamy Under Bill Moving Through Legislature

A state lawmaker said that branding polygamists as felons has driven abuse into the shadows.