
How do women in the public sector assess their retirement security?

New data shows that younger female workers are more worried than men about saving enough.

It’s time to help more workers save for retirement

COMMENTARY | More states are considering voluntary automated savings programs for employees who lack access to a retirement plan at work.

Is it time to stop worrying about pensions?

Public pension numbers are looking better than they have in over a decade. But some worry it may not last.

How one state is heading off the costs of an aging population

Washington recently launched a long-term care insurance program that looks to support aging in place for a burgeoning senior population.

State retirement plans close savings gap and pad bottom lines

Six years ago and millions of dollars since, Oregon launched the first state-sponsored retirement program for private sector workers. Today, 19 states have launched or plan to launch their own savings programs.

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High turnover is disrupting efforts to fix the workforce crisis, a survey finds

The poll of state and local HR managers finds that hiring has increased, but so has the number of people quitting.

Are Pensions the Answer to the Public-Sector Worker Shortage?

COMMENTARY | Research shows that pension benefits overwhelmingly help attract skilled workers, especially millennials.

How Government Workers Can Plan For a Secure Retirement

COMMENTARY | Public sector employees need more active support to build financial security for retirement. Here are three ways to help them.

More States Help Workers Save for Retirement

Employees are much more likely to save if they have automatic payroll deductions at work.

State and Local Public Pension Plan Funding Up

The amount of money in government plans grew from 2020 to 2021 because of strong investment returns and required contributions, a new report shows.

Retirements Cut Ranks of Scarce Frontline Workers

Many older workers fear catching Covid-19 on the job.

The Best and Worst Cities to Retire Are Surprising

Orlando, Florida tops the list for best cities to retire while San Bernardino, California comes in last, according to a report.

Best States to Save for Retirement

New Hampshire tops the list of best states to save, offering a more affordable housing market and lower taxes, according to a recent report. Other top states are in the West.

The Public Sector Retirement Explosion

COMMENTARY | For years, human resources officials worried about an alarming exodus of government retirees. Now it’s here—and it's because of Covid-19.

Best and Worst States to Retire In

The top states for retired people age 60 and older have affordable homes, lower costs of living and crime rates and higher life expectancies, according to a recent analysis.

Ranking: The Worst States for Retirees

The least favorable places to live post-work years on the list, which was compiled from several sources, have high taxes and soaring housing costs, among other things.

Retiring Early Can Be Bad for the Brain

COMMENTARY | A study of a retirement program in China found that people who retired early suffered significant cognitive decline that put them at risk of early onset of dementia.

Public Pensions Rally in Chaotic Stock Market, But Bigger Bills Still Coming for Governments

Pension earnings came up short this year. Eventually, that will require bigger contributions to make up the difference.

Many Americans Were on Shaky Financial Ground When Virus Hit

This is underscored by a new report from the Federal Reserve, which also highlights how job losses during the coronavirus outbreak have been severe for lower earners.

Virus Downturn Will Further Strain Troubled Public Pension Funds

New research warns that the nation’s worst-off retirement plans for state and local government workers “face the risk of running out of assets in the foreseeable future" if there's a slow recovery.