San Jose

How the Country’s Hottest Rental Market Is Trying to Cool Down

As California’s governor tackles a state-wide housing crisis, he’s looking to cities like San Jose to invest in a smorgasbord of potential solutions.

Silicon Valley Mayor to Feds: ‘Get Out of the Way’ of Innovation

The federal government could do more to promote innovation at the state and local levels by doing less, according to San Jose’s mayor.

One City’s Solution for Airport Employees Working Without Pay

San José is considering a short-term, no-interest loan program to keep air traffic controllers, TSA screeners and customs officers at their posts during the federal shutdown.

San José Moves Forward with Scooter Geofencing Rule

One operator, Bird, expressed displeasure with the 12 mph speed limit the city imposed.

San José Offers a Scooter Ultimatum

Operations that fail to implement geofencing or a similar safety solution by July 1 will be scuttled by the California city.

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California Mayors Slam Increased Fee to Abandon Utilities as Corporate ‘Giveaway’

Switching to an environmentally friendly community choice energy program will cost customers a bit more every month.

San José and Airbnb Partner to Provide Emergency Temporary Housing

After severe flooding last year, the city hopes to have shelter lined up ahead of time for the next disaster.

Introducing Resident-Centered Autonomous Vehicle Pilots

The Knight Foundation aims to take projects out of the hands of car companies in five cities.

Millennial Buyers Face Tough Housing Market

A Stateline analysis found the share of 25- to 35-year-olds who own homes, which had been falling since 2005 as renting grew in popularity, ticked up slightly in 2017.

Tech-Minded Colorado Has a Bay Area ‘Poaching Strategy’

Those scraping by on six-figure salaries in Silicon Valley may be enticed by this ad campaign.

San José Paves New Path to 5G With the Wireless Industry

“[W]e can get to good deals for both sides without circumventing local authority,” according to Shireen Santosham, the city’s chief innovation officer.

5 U.S. Cities Named Finalists for Engaged Cities Award

These localities have done “significant work with citizens to tackle a public problem, clear evidence of impact, and potential to apply the strategy to other problems and geographies.”

Miss Our ‘City in Beta’ Tech Roadshow Event in San Jose?

If so, be sure to register and watch the digital edition on April 11.

Enthusiastically Embracing a Job Never Finished

Ahead of Route Fifty’s “City in Beta” event, San Jose Deputy City Manager Kip Harkness outlines how the city is working to become “as innovative as the Silicon Valley population we serve.”

This City Is Making Climate Action Affordable for Low-Income Residents

“You don’t need to drive a Tesla to benefit from the green dividend,” said San José Mayor Sam Liccardo.

San José Mayor Quits FCC Broadband Group Citing ‘Predetermined, Industry-Favoring Outcome’

Liccardo’s resignation reflected critic’s frustration over the committee focus on industry concerns with state and local government.

A Tech-Enabled Effort to Fight Census Undercounting in San José

There’s a Jan. 15 deadline for localities to update their residential address lists for the U.S. Census Bureau.

Local California Officials Applaud Governor’s Veto of Small Cell Wireless Permitting Bill

Efforts to bring a uniform permitting process to the Golden State will go back to the drawing board.

Inequality in the Bay Area Makes Preparing for Climate Change Impacts Harder

But a design challenge focused on resiliency currently underway hopes to change that.

San José Innovation Challenge Leads to Graffiti-Cleaning Drone

The next round of the contest will look at how the city can improve the way it orders evacuations ahead of serious flooding.