Special Report: Smart City Challenge 2016

Dear Austin: You Didn’t Lose the ‘Smart City Challenge’ Because of Uber

Being a smart city means far more than just catering to economically-advantaged tech-savvy individuals. It’s also about effective use of technology to bridge divides in local communities.

Columbus ‘Put Forward an Impressive, Holistic Vision’ for Its Winning Smart City Plan

“They were able to connect the problems they identified to specific technology solutions that are measurable,” said Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx.

Columbus Tops 6 Other Finalists to Win USDOT’s ‘Smart City Challenge’

With additional local investment, $140 million is now committed to the winning plan submitted by Ohio’s capital, but the other finalist cities will be seeing more federal and private assistance to pursue their visions, too.

Cities Vying for $50 Million in USDOT Smart City Challenge Make Final Pitches

“It’s really started a wave of innovative thought in transportation,” Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx said of the grant competition.

Denver Positions Its Role as a Hub City for Smart City Challenge Bid

Colorado’s capital has running start on putting digital technologies to work to address the challenges rapid population growth poses to aging transportation systems.

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Emergence as Regional Tech Hub Reflected in Pittsburgh’s Smart City Challenge Bid

“Pittsburgh was based on steel and the economy was based upon getting product to market,” says Mayor Bill Peduto. “Our new economy is based upon getting people to workplace.”

Columbus Puts Its Future Bus Rapid Transit Line at Center of Its Smart City Challenge Bid

Carless households currently face major mobility disadvantages in Ohio’s capital, but civic leaders hope to change that.

Fast Growth, Economic Divides Weigh Heavy on Austin’s Smart City Bid

“This is not about testing new, shiny-penny technologies that will do nifty things,” the city’s mayor says. “This about using mobility technology to actually address basic problems.”

Kansas City’s Smart City Challenge Bid Builds Upon Its IoT, Transportation Investments

The city wants to expand its digital corridors to better connect neighborhoods, deploy autonomous buses and boost mobility for residents and visitors.

San Francisco Is ‘Moonshotting’ an Ambitious Connected Transit Vision for Its ‘Smart City Challenge’ Bid

A city-led team of stakeholders, including UC-Berkeley and tech companies, want to create the “world’s first shared, electric, connected and automated transportation system.”