traffic management

Move over! Two map apps to notify drivers when state police are stopped ahead

The Illinois State Police is using Waze and Google Maps to alert drivers in real time about roadside personnel in an effort to cut down on injuries.

This city saw a surprising benefit to fining high-polluting cars: More active kids

Four in 10 London children started walking to school a year after the city's clean air zone went into effect.

‘License plate flippers’ help drivers evade police, tickets and tolls

A few states and cities are cracking down on the devices, which obscure or conceal license plates.

Data shows rural disparities in traffic deaths

An analysis of federal highway data shows that rural counties have higher traffic death rates compared to their urban counterparts.

Cars that talk: Feds announce plan to accelerate connected vehicle deployment

The U.S. Department of Transportation aims to have vehicle-to-everything tech deployed nationwide by 2036, and said it will offer grants and support to help states get there.

New York idles on green transportation plan

As the state has backpedaled on congestion pricing, it has made no progress on nearly half of its other transit-related climate goals.

In reversal, more areas allow high-speed police chases

Supporters of policy rollbacks say police pursuits can reduce crime; some experts aren’t so sure.

How teens can be safer drivers

Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for teenagers in the U.S. Will raising the requirements for a driver’s license help?

4th traffic light would benefit pedestrians and drivers

Adding a white phase to stoplights that communicate with autonomous vehicles would decrease delays at intersections by 25%, researchers say, even when pedestrians are added to the model.

Traffic deaths decline slightly, but remain higher than before the pandemic

Safety experts have struggled to pinpoint why traffic and pedestrian fatalities have remained so stubbornly high.

Why cities should consider roundabouts

COMMENTARY | An alternative to traditional signalized intersections, roundabouts can substantially offset the dangers posed by larger vehicles, ensuring that any potential impact is less severe due to moderated speeds and oblique angles of collision.

County’s advanced mapping tool supports development decisions

Henry County, Georgia, used it to decide where freight facilities should go. But the computer-based tool could be repurposed to help other communities address their hot-button issues.

Traffic tickets can be profitable, and fairness isn’t the bottom line in city courts where judges impose the fines

COMMENTARY | Research shows police officers issue more traffic tickets and judges impose more fines when their city gets the money and when the budget is tight. But if states change the rules about who keeps the money, the incentives for revenue maximization go away.

Round-the-clock speed cameras improve safety in a city that never sleeps

New York City saw a 25% drop in traffic deaths and a 30% decrease in tickets issued after state lawmakers let it operate their speed cameras on nights and weekends.

‘Connected’ self-driving cars can speed up travel time

COMMENTARY | By communicating with each other and traffic control signals, connected vehicles can adjust their speeds to avoid stopping at intersections.

Passions run high over speed limits, but data is hard to come by

A recent study by the AAA Foundation tried to determine whether drivers changed their habits with new speed limits. Instead, the group discovered the limits of the data states collect on the safety of their roads.

Cities paint the way to safer streets

COMMENTARY | It’s time for our country to embrace asphalt art as a creative, low-cost way to improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists.

Optimization model delivers faster emergency response

Researchers used historical traffic data to develop a model that calculates the most efficient routes for police and medical personnel traveling from dispatch locations to vehicle accident sites.

Two states get waivers for connected-vehicle tech

Intelligent transportation projects in Virginia and Utah can use cellular vehicle-to-infrastructure technology ahead of the FCC’s final adoption of C-V2X rules.

City pilots sensors that track street activity, detect conflicts

The devices will collect data on road users’ speed, turning movements and modes and paths of travel to inform safety initiatives and city planning.