Author Archive

James Fallows


Air Travel Is Going to Be Very Bad, for a Very Long Time

COMMENTARY | Flying used to be unpleasant. But scarcity, low demand, and public-health risks could make it unbearable.


Get Off My Lawn

How a small group of activists (a correspondent from The Atlantic among them) got leaf blowers banned in the nation’s capital


California High-Speed Rail—Some Views from the Valley

People in Los Angeles and San Francisco often say that the initial links in a proposed north-south system would be "trains to nowhere." People from nowhere weigh in.


Smaller Towns as Talent Magnets — the Chance to Make Things Work

"The kind of people who might have gone to NASA in the 1960s, Wall Street in the 1980s, or Silicon Valley in the late 1990s are now, I think, more likely than ever to work in municipal government." So says a well-educated young small-town mayor.