Author Archive

Stephen H. Holden

Digital Government

Another View: OMB's e-authentication policy isn't fully baked

A recent GCN editorial urged the Office of Management and Budget to complete its work quickly on revising its draft e-authentication policy, which closed for public comment in August. I would say, 'Slow down a bit so we can make a good product even better.'

Digital Government

Another View: What is a college degree worth, anyhow?

Almost daily, we learn something new about an apparent scandal over the credentials of high-level government and industry IT officials. Many fingers point to unaccredited institutions of higher learning. The issue raises a larger question: What's the real value of a college degree, especially a graduate degree?

Digital Government


I wrote the first version of this piece before the attacks. The conventional wisdom before Sept. 11 held there was a crisis in federal employment. IT workers were poster children for the argument that the federal government was unable to compete with the private sector for employees.