Economic incentives

The Governors Wading Deeper Into the Housing Crisis

Across the country, state leaders are putting the nation’s housing shortage at the center of their agendas this year. But it's still uncertain whether their proposals to solve the problem will gain traction and some question whether the plans go far enough.

Support Slips for Phase Out of Gas-Powered Cars and Trucks

A slight but rising majority of Americans are against a transition towards manufacturing only zero-emission vehicles, a new survey finds.

Cities Are Looking to Get Better Community Engagement By Paying for It

Compensating community members is just a part of what is called the co-design process, where project managers get to know the people, their lived experiences, and their values, to devise solutions.

Boosting Covid-19 Vaccinations with $1 million Prizes, Free Crawfish, Hunting Licenses and More

Along with businesses, state and local governments are offering a growing variety of perks to get residents hesitant about the shots to roll up their sleeves.

Paying With Cash? Retailers Must Take Your Dollars in These States

For many, requiring the option to use cash is a race and economic equity issue.

Connect with state & local government leaders

Bidenomics Really Is Something New

COMMENTARY | The president is willing to take on political fights that Obama and Clinton considered unwise, if not unwinnable. Will that strategy pay off?

General, Selective Sales Tax Bases Vary Widely Across States, Report Shows

The range is 36% to 91%, according to the Tax Policy Center. It warned states that raising general sales taxes on businesses due to budget uncertainty might cause higher prices on goods and services.

The City That Pinned Its Renewal on a Self-Chilling Beverage Can Wants Its Money Back

A company promised to create 237 jobs making the first ever self-chilling beverage can, winning big public subsidies in return. Four years later, there are no jobs and you still put your beer in the fridge. The city may demand the subsidies back.

How to Improve Public Health, the Environment and Racial Equity All at Once: Upgrade Low-income Housing

COMMENTARY | Retrofitting low-income housing is a way to tackle some of the nation's pressing health, social and environmental challenges.

Economists: Biden’s $1,400 Covid-19 Checks May be Great Politics, but it’s Questionable Economics

COMMENTARY | The checks aren't well targeted to those hurting the most financially and it's not clear they will be an effective economic stimulus.

Another Region Offers Remote Workers $10,000—and a Bike!—to Move

Northwest Arkansas will provide a cash incentive and a street or mountain bike to qualified remote workers who relocate to the area.

Millennials Could Be a Boon to Smaller Communities. How Can Those Towns Attract Younger Workers?

COMMENTARY | Legislators and town leaders need to create incentives for young people to embrace small-town living.

Remote Workers Moving to Tulsa? Foundation Doubles Down on Recruitment Efforts

The Remote Tulsa program is now offering $10,000 to 250 people to move to the Oklahoma city for a year, citing success in its first year.

Governments Increasingly Rely on Evaluations for Tax Incentive Reform

ANALYSIS | More states and cities are requiring rigorous analyses.

How Cities and States Can Stop the Incentive Madness

Economist Timothy Bartik explains why the public costs of tax incentives often outweigh the benefits, and describes a model business-incentive package.