Illinois Interim CIO Discusses Continuing State’s Ambitious IT Agenda

Kirk Lonbom takes the helm at critical time for Illinois’ revitalized Department of Innovation and Technology.

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Addressing Challenges State Agencies Face Moving to the Cloud

At NASCIO's 2017 Annual Conference, Symantec SE Director Steve Carlson spoke about the challenges and concerns state CIOs and agencies face in moving to the cloud, and the new products, strategies and technology they can look forward to.

Ohio CIO: Data Analytics ‘The Most Disruptive Thing That We Have Going On’

IoT, autonomous vehicles, or analytics—CIO Stu Davis is thinking about how to handle a future awash in data.

Technology as a Foundation for Statewide Decisionmaking

Wisconsin CIO David Cagigal talks about how tech is forcing statewide decisions.

Pa.’s Cybersecurity Team Is ‘Talking About Projects That Actually Enable the Business’

Erik Avakian, Pennsylvania’s chief information security officer, may be a new breed of ‘black swan’: the optimistic cybersecurity professional.

Washington State's CIO on the Impending ‘Sea Change’ in Purchasing Government IT

WATCH: As Michael Cockrill leaves public service, he reflected with Route Fifty on rebranding ‘public service’ and how purchasing IT is fundamentally changing.

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NASCIO: Federal Compliance Exercises Are Hindering State IT

WATCH: Yejin Cooke, NASCIO’s director of government affairs, is getting the word out on why federal data security rules are holding back innovation—and even security itself—at the state level.

Hoosier State’s CIO Discusses Delivering a ‘Great Service to the Citizens of Indiana at a Great Value’

WATCH: Dewand Neely may not have intended to start a career in government, but has found a calling in helping deliver citizen-centric services and solve some of the nation’s most difficult problems.

The Necessity of Creating Fictitious People to Improve Digital Government

“When we say as a state, ‘who are our users?,’ we have to segment users out,” according to Georgia’s chief digital officer.

Michigan’s CIO on Leadership and Mission

WATCH: As he returns to his home state, Dave DeVries discusses taking a leadership role in state government after a prestigious federal IT career.

New Mexico’s CIO on FirstNet: ‘The Pressure Is On Now’

WATCH: The state’s IT secretary, Darryl Ackley, discusses the huge decisionpoint for states on building a nationwide public safety broadband network, and his focus on “trying to future-proof” his agency.

Shannon Rahming, Nevada State CIO, On New Tech and Supporting First Responders

From purchasing and cybersecurity to critical communications for emergency response, Rahming and Nevada are pushing state IT forward on a number of fronts.

The Immediate Need to Close the Daunting Cyber Workforce Gap

States have to think creatively to attract and retain the talent they need to respond to cyberattacks and other threats.

Annual State CIO Survey Shows a Continued Shift Away From Mainframes

Cloud computing has made many state’s assess their legacy applications and systems.

If States Are Going to Be Agile, CIOs Need to Get Their Workforces Onboard

“If agile is going to work, it’s going to be because of the team, not the management,” according to Denis Goulet, New Hampshire’s CIO and Department of Information Technology commissioner.

What’s Procurement Got to Do With IT?

Through the efforts of their national associations, state CIOs and procurement officers are learning how to read from the same sheet music.

State CIOs Set to Take Center Stage in Austin

A look at the association representing state government IT executives ahead of their meeting in Texas’ capital city next week.