Smart Cities

Smart cities need a new mindset, not just new technology

A smart city is more than just a buzzword these days. It’s a mindset and skill set that employees must have to navigate today’s challenges, one expert says.

Why Blockchain Is a Key Technology for State and Local Governments

COMMENTARY | Blockchains are a promising solution for securing data in health care, finance, voting and other public applications.

Engagement, access, equity drive city’s evolution

Waterloo, Iowa, has 12 smart city projects lined up based on four pillars: e-government, sustainability, transportation and public safety.

6G Promises Immersive Communications for Public Safety

The next-generation cellular network is poised to massively upgrade situational awareness for public safety agencies, experts say.

What early adopters get wrong

Long-term smart city success is more likely when leaders take the time to establish data and tech governance frameworks with community input, one expert says.

Connect with state & local government leaders

How One City Transformed Its Approach to Data

COMMENTARY | Carlsbad, California, had siloed data streams and didn’t effectively communicate between departments. It changed that and is using its smart city status to tackle today's biggest problems.

Smart city lab tests IoT network to protect pedestrians, cyclists

Integrating both cars and pedestrians into an internet-of-things ecosystem ensures vulnerable road users are seen and drivers are alerted to their presence.

A Federal Program Looks to Connect Smart Buildings with Smart Policy

COMMENTARY | Buildings drive a third of the nation’s emissions. Smart buildings can change that with the right policies and programs in place.

Protecting the data that makes cities smart

Ensuring the security and privacy of data generated by residents and internet-connected devices will allow cities to reap the benefits of innovation.

Tech disruption powers smart city expansion

Cloud, inexpensive sensors and low-powered wide-area networks are giving smaller cities a way to build real solutions for both staff and residents.

Smart infrastructure bolsters energy conservation

But cities need to provide incentives for all players in the energy management ecosystem.

Challenges quickly test creative solutions to operational snags

Long Beach’s annual smart city challenge focuses on improving customer satisfaction with service delivery.

Future-proofing smart cities with open standards

Open standards can help smart cities prevent tech obsolescence and maximize growth.

Startups get hands-on intro to the smart city space

The Smart Futures Lab in Denver provides a physical and digital community where participants can hone their technology and find government partners.

800 miles apart, smart city partners share broadband insights

The North Texas Innovation Alliance will share its broadband rollout experience in a new collaboration with Peachtree Corners, which has connected infrastructure know-how NTXIA can use.

Smart tactics for introducing technology to a skeptical community

Education and engagement can get residents and local leaders on board with new projects, experts suggest.

Feds Prepare to Open New $500M Program for Transportation Tech

States and localities are among those eligible for the grants, which are aimed at funding projects focused on innovations like autonomous vehicles and roadside sensors.

How Little Rock is Harnessing Data to Become a Smarter City

“My team and I, we’re focused on getting things done, but with a data-driven approach,” says the mayor of Arkansas’ capital.

5G’s first applications likely intelligent transportation, public safety

Brandon Branham, assistant city manager and chief technology officer of Peachtree Corners, said 5G opens the door for low-latency use cases.

$26M Awarded for Hyperlocal Smart Cities Research

Researchers say they will pilot their work in three cities to integrate real-time technologies into streetscapes to build safe, equitable and secure communities.