U.S. Census

A Few Cities Are Regaining Residents After Shrinking During the Pandemic

Seattle, Houston and Atlanta are among the cities that have rallied.

New Data Sheds Light on Impact of Expanded SNAP Benefits on Households

A Census survey found that 1 in 4 households where enhanced food aid ended March 1 now report “sometimes” or “often” not having enough to eat.

Detroit Sues the U.S. Census Bureau Over Alleged Undercounts

The Census Bureau contends that Detroit lost 7,100 residents from 2020 to 2021, but Mayor Mike Duggan said that number is inaccurate.

The Census Missed Some Folks. These Cities Want Them Counted

“Cities should not be punished for the unprecedented pandemic.”

2020 Census May Have Missed More Than 1.6M Residents

New research from the Urban Institute found that minorities were likely underrepresented in the population count, leaving some states with a windfall of federal funding while others came up short.

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College Towns Challenging Census Results After Pandemic Poses Count Problems

These cities, in particular, said their population estimates seemed low, likely the result of the census being conducted after campuses switched to remote learning.

Census Prompts Push for More Indigenous School Lessons

The number of people listing Indigenous heritage increased by almost 4.5 million.

Most and Least Fashionable Cities in the U.S.

New York City ranks as the most fashionable city while Wichita, Kansas comes in last, according to a recent report.

Redistricting Battles Kick Off in State Courts

Nearly 50 redistricting cases have been filed in at least 22 states.

The Most Racially Diverse States

While the white population still is the largest racial group in most states, many places are much less white and many more people identify as multiracial, according to 2020 U.S. Census data.

Demography Is Not Destiny

COMMENTARY | New numbers provide a reminder of the fluidity of American identity.

Every State Grew More Diverse, Census Shows

Washington state saw the biggest shift, where the white population share dropped from 73% to 64%. Even in North Dakota, Black residents increased from 2% to 4% of the population.

Public School Spending Per Student Up 5%, Biggest Increase in 11 Years

A U.S. Census Bureau report shows that elementary and secondary schools received $751.7 billion total from all revenue sources and that states contributed the greatest share of funds.

Report: The 4 Biggest State Redistricting Challenges

Political strife, legal matters, population shifts and census data delays are issues that will make redistricting in the next year the most onerous in history, according to the Brennan Center for Justice.

2020 Census Data: Which States Gain, Lose Seats in the U.S. House?

The country experienced the second-slowest population growth in history, but resident shifts have seven states losing House seats, including California for the first time, and six capturing seats (two for Texas, the most).

Census Delay Spells Election Chaos for States

Late census numbers endanger the redistricting Republicans need to shore up such suburban districts they could easily lose next year.

U.S. Homeownership Rate Rising, But Still Lower Than Peak

After years of declines in the wake of the Great Recession, homeownership rates rebounded in recent years, according to Census Bureau data.

Shortened Census Led to an Incomplete Count in Some Areas

Parts of Louisiana and the Navajo Nation face the biggest gaps.

Census Pulls Back on Year-End Delivery Commitment, Pushes Decision to Career Staff

Rushing in an effort to truncate the data processing timeline has "some risks," bureau official admits.

With Census Count Over, Concerns Linger About Accuracy

Community groups raced to get more people to complete census questionnaires before the count ended Friday, but they still believe many were missed after the deadline was pushed up.